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120 Day GIC terms and conditions

The following terms and conditions explain in detail how Eligible Clients can earn a special annual interest rate of 4.00% per annum on a new Motive Financial 120-day non-registered Guaranteed Investment Certificate (“GIC”) (the “120D GIC Offer”).

1. Offer Period

This 120D GIC Offer begins on June 3, 2024, and ends on July 31, 2024.


2. Eligibility
To be eligible for this 120D GIC Offer, you must either:

  • be a new Motive client;
  • be an existing Motive client transferring funds to Motive from another financial institution; or buy a GIC with new money. New Money is defined as funds not held on deposit with Motive Financial prior to April 1, 2024.

If you are an Eligible Client and you open a 120-day GIC during the Offer Period as the primary accountholder, then you are eligible to earn promotional interest from the date your 120-day GIC is opened until the end of the 120-day term subject the restrictions outlined in Section 4 below (an “Eligible 120D GIC”). An Eligible 120D GIC requires a minimum investment of $1,000. Eligible 120D GICs will be automatically enrolled in the 120D GIC Offer. Eligible Clients may open more than one Eligible 120D GIC during the Offer Period.

3. How Interest is Calculated and Paid
The special annual interest rate of 4.00% is a combination of the regular annual interest rate set by Motive Financial payable on a 120-day GIC term (“Regular Interest”), plus the promotional annual interest rate (“Promotional Interest”) that is calculated at the end of the Offer Period on the total Balance (as defined below).

Interest will be set at the special annual interest rate and paid at maturity. Interest will be calculated including the first day of the term but excluding the last day of the term. Interest is calculated only on the original principal and not on the sum of the principal plus accrued interest.

Regular Interest and Promotional Interest rates may change at any time without prior notice. Regular Interest is posted on the Motive Financial website.

4. Restrictions and Additional Terms and Conditions
Additional terms, conditions, and limitations apply to the opening of and making deposits into Eligible 120D GICs.

The 120D GIC Offer is available for deposits up to an aggregate maximum of $1,000,000 per client, which is subject to change without notice. For deposits greater than $1,000,000, please contact customer service at 1-877-441-2249 to discuss other investment opportunities available.

The 120D GIC Offer is non-transferable, cannot be combined with any other promotional savings offers unless otherwise indicated and is not available for Quebec residents. Promotional Interest cannot be substituted or transferred to a third party. Motive Financial reserves the right to cancel or change the terms of the 120D GIC Offer at any time, for any reason, without notice and revoke the 120D GIC Offer for any customer who appears to be manipulating or abusing the 120D GIC Offer or is engaged in any suspicious/fraudulent activity. The terms and conditions of the GIC Agreement continue to apply to all Eligible 120D GICs.

New Motive clients will be required to open a demand account to buy an Eligible 120D GIC. There will be no costs or fees charged to you in connection with the opening of the demand account. The purpose of the demand account is to allow us to assess the possible risks (traceability etc.) associated with the transfer of funds, to manage the risk associated with the Eligible 120D GIC and for the administration of the Eligible 120D GIC.

Eligible 120D GIC’s will be invested for 4-month terms. As a result, the term of the Eligible 120D GIC could exceed 120 days but will not exceed 123 days.

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Motive Financial is a trade name of Canadian Western Bank, which is a member of CDIC.

Deposits made under Motive Financial and Canadian Western Bank are aggregately eligible for CDIC protection up to $100,000, per category, per depositor.